For Artists 12 & up
Oil painting is often viewed as a difficult medium, but learning to paint with oils is absolutely attainable and can be very rewarding. In this course, your student will receive in-depth instruction and painting exercises designed to distill the mystery and fear associated with painting with oils.
Ages 12 & up

Pre-requisite: Students must have an understanding of basic drawing principles
3:00 - 4:30p.m.
Your child will learn:
Students will learn through a series of painting exercises, lecture and demonstration.
3:00 - 4:30p.m.
Your child will learn:
- Painting Best Practices
- Materials - Paint, solvents, mediums and more
- Equipment - Palettes, brushes and more
- Conservation - How to make your paintings last
- The Science of Color
- Color Theory
- The attributes of color
- Color complements
- Harmonizing color
- Color Theory
- Paint Handling
- Color mixing
- Palette etiquette & cleanliness
Students will learn through a series of painting exercises, lecture and demonstration.
To pay with credit or debit, click on the button below with the class date and time you prefer. For your convenience, it's easy to set up a recurring payment every 6 weeks through our online payment system. With recurring payment, there is no need to re-register for each session.
To pay with credit or debit, click on the button below with the class date and time you prefer. For your convenience, it's easy to set up a recurring payment every 6 weeks through our online payment system. With recurring payment, there is no need to re-register for each session.
New students must pay the new student registration fee of $25. This will be a separate transaction. Please click on the button below to pay.
Tuition is due on or before the first day of each new session. A $35 late fee applies to payments made after the first class session.
When enrolling in an atelier program or class at Oklahoma Academy of Classical Art, you agree to our terms and payment policies.
Tuition is due on or before the first day of each new session. A $35 late fee applies to payments made after the first class session.
When enrolling in an atelier program or class at Oklahoma Academy of Classical Art, you agree to our terms and payment policies.
2020 Youth Painting Atelier Schedule, Registration & Payment Options
Monday, 3p - 4p
Monday, 3p - 4p
Automatic Recurring Payment
NEW! Set up a recurring payment (billed each 6 weeks) to avoid re-registering for each session. It's convenient and easy! Just follow the link below to get started.
NEW! Set up a recurring payment (billed each 6 weeks) to avoid re-registering for each session. It's convenient and easy! Just follow the link below to get started.
Individual Session Registration
Please note that if you view the schedule on a smart phone or tablet, the dates may not be in order.
Please note that if you view the schedule on a smart phone or tablet, the dates may not be in order.
2020 Monday Session Dates
3p - 4p
3p - 4p
6 week session - Jan 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10
5 week session - May 11, 18, June 1, 8, 15 (no class on May 25)
6 week session - Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2
6 week session - Feb 17, 24, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23
5 week session - Jun 29, Jul 6, 13, 27, Aug 3 (no class on June 22 or July 20)
5 week session - Nov 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7
6 week session - Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4
6 week session - Aug 10, 17, 25, 31, Sept 14, 21
•• New students must pay a non-refundable $25 registration fee.
•• There are no refunds if the student cannot attend the designated hours each month. Students should plan ahead for holidays, travel and studio closing to get their hours in each month. Unused hours may not be rolled over to the next month. This policy applies to all session options.
•• Please submit your registration using the buttons provided for each session or class option. You may pay for the course with credit or debit online or in studio, or you may pay via check or cash. Tuition is due on the 1st day of each month or the 1st class session. A late fee of $35 applies for all late payments.
Please mail checks to:
Oklahoma Academy of Classical Art, 12 E. Burton Place, Edmond, OK 73013.
•• New students must pay a non-refundable $25 registration fee.
•• There are no refunds if the student cannot attend the designated hours each month. Students should plan ahead for holidays, travel and studio closing to get their hours in each month. Unused hours may not be rolled over to the next month. This policy applies to all session options.
•• Please submit your registration using the buttons provided for each session or class option. You may pay for the course with credit or debit online or in studio, or you may pay via check or cash. Tuition is due on the 1st day of each month or the 1st class session. A late fee of $35 applies for all late payments.
Please mail checks to:
Oklahoma Academy of Classical Art, 12 E. Burton Place, Edmond, OK 73013.